Community Development

Whitfield County’s Community Development Department is committed to working with and for the Greater Dalton community. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for our citizens through innovative programs in the areas of housing, economic development, and transportation by partnering with federal and state funding sources to supplement the local general fund. The department houses the Unified Planning and Zoning Department, Whitfield County Code Enforcement, and the Greater Dalton Metropolitan Planning Organization.


Dalton and Whitfield County in Northwest Georgia is a prime location for business expansion, relocation and economic development. For more information, please visit the Dalton - Whitfield Joint Development Authority's website.

Whitfield County is a proud supporter of the Thrive Regional Partnership. Bringing expertise from across three states the County is excited to participate in their programs. Thrive Regional Partnership is an unprecedented, collaborative organization that unites people across the growing tri-state region to preserve community and natural character for generations to come. Click here to learn more.